Enrolment is open for next year
We welcome anyone wishing to enrol at our school.
Our Mission is to provide a quality education in an
environment that supports the welfare of all.
Our community promotes strong Christian values,
faith development and family involvement in each aspect of our school.
St Joseph’s is a small school of around 90 students. This
population is made up of boys and girls from Finley as well as
surrounding rural areas. The school was founded in 1915 by the Sisters of Mercy and nurtures a strong tradition of parent and community involvement. We now have a modern and well equipped facility that currently houses 4 classes ranging from
Kinder to Year 6. Our teachers are very experienced with many years of development in the latest approaches to student learning. The staff are dedicated, skilled and work to serve the needs of our children. They are the greatest asset that St. Joseph’s School has.
Thank you for considering St Joseph's for your child
- be able to say own name, address and phone number;
- know the safest way to and from school — it is important to teach children not to loiter on the way home, visit friends without prior permission, talk to or go anywhere with strangers;
- tie their own shoe laces or buckle sandles;
- put on own jumper, coat, hat and do up buttons;
- to always have a tissue or handkerchief and be able to use them properly;
- to be able to use a toilet properly and wash hands afterwards;
- put away play things and materials after using them;
- to eat lunch from a lunch box;
- to speak politely.
What do you need for your enrolment application?

Baptismal and Birth Certificates
This helps us verify the child’s baptism and age.
Medical Information
This includes your child’s Immunisation Certificate and any action or treatment plans, should they have a medical condition or disability.
Proof of Identification and Address
This can be your driver’s license or a bill.